Sunday, March 20, 2016

Jesus, Flip My Tables!

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“Hosanna, loud Hosanna
The little children sang;
Through pillared court and temple
The lovely anthem rang.
To Jesus, who had blest them,
Close folded to His breast,
The children sang their praises,
The simplest and the best.” [1]

Palm Sunday, the day where pastel colors reappear in the frills of little girls’ dresses and where church podiums are littered with withering branches. It’s the day where the old hymns are sung in a key many strain to reach and when all the guy’s ties match a similar spring-time scheme. It’s one Sunday leading up to the most important day in all of Christendom- Resurrection Sunday. In many cases, this is a day of great joy and celebration. Children’s’ choirs often sing joyous songs, pastor’s preach of Hosannas and laud, and the overall mood of the church body is generally upbeat. Why then, does the very One receiving the praise begin to weep at the sight of it all?

Saturday, March 5, 2016

The Power of Meekness

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“Meek is weak.” That was it. That was all she said. My naïve eyes were opened that day. It wasn’t just that she cut the legs out from under my godly womanhood comment with her curt, dagger-like, one. No. I realized, in that moment, that she had just exposed the single most powerful lie that the Devil has been feeding to women since the Garden of Eden. Obviously she believed it.  Many others in the room agreed with her; and I know that countless women across the globe base their lives on it. Maybe you are one of those women…