Thursday, August 31, 2017

Grit&Grace- Not Just Another Pretty Face~ The Widow, Desperate Yet Obedient

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So here we are with yet another post in our Grit&Grace series! 
Geez, life has been busy lately! I'm tired. I have a headache. But the Lord is faithful. He always provides for our needs according to the dictates of His will, am I right?

He is. His faithfulness and provision are exactly what today's thought is about.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Grit&Grace- Not Just Another Pretty Face~ Rahab, Radically Redeemed

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So, week two of our Thursday Grit&Grace Series! I've been super busy this week, life is crazy like that sometimes; but I've had this week's topic on my heart since LAST week, so here goes...

Ever hear of Rahab? 

The prostitute? Yep, That one!

Saturday, August 19, 2017


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Just a little brown-eyed girl.
Just a small-town children's park.
Not much time to play left,
Before it grew real dark.

Barely even six years old,
With pink top and capri.
She had one front tooth missing,
And a bandaid on one knee.

Her pigtails swayed back and forth,
As the swing went slowly "swoosh".
When a little voice piped in-
"Would you like a push?"

Brown eyes met brown eyes
As the two girls met gaze.
To say that they looked alike
Would be untruthful praise.

Yes, they both had brown eyes.
Both were beautiful and kind.
But the only way they could appear the same
Was if you were colorblind.

They were as different as black and white-
And I mean what I say.
But that sure didn't stop those girls
From having fun that day.

Yet here we sit, as a Nation,
Divided up in bits.
One side tries to outdo the other
In who throws bigger fits.

It's racism. It's supremacy.
It's "which life matters more?"
It's "Let's tear down the statues
Cuz what someone did before."

It's "Let's start a protest."
It's "I gotta click this poll."
It's "Both sides fight at riot."
And "Another dead while on patrol."

It's local news t.v.
Covering violence on the rise.
And all for what? What's the game?
The winner gets what prize?

Y'all, we all have eyes, we all have hearts.
We all have hopes and dreams.
We've all been afraid before,
Been hurt by some cruel scheme.

Let me tell you this, my petty friends,
At the conclusion of this game,
No one is superior under a coffin lid;
All skin colors bleed the same.

And in eternity, when judgment comes,
When the Good Lord strips your pride,
He'll look at us, at this whole strife,
And say, "Was it for this I died?"

The love and grace He brought us,
The salvation UNTO ALL,
Leaves NO room for prejudice.
That just ain't our call.

So love one another.
Judge as you wish to be.
For one day, He will make all things right-
In eternity.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Grit&Grace- Not Just Another Pretty Face~ Hannah, Hurting Yet Hopeful

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Hey there! Welcome to the first installment of aHeartinWaiting's weekly series posts. Basically, for those of you that are hearing this idea for the first time, I am endeavoring to begin a weekly posting, on Thursdays, specifically set aside to delve deeper into some of our topics. This will allow us to study and focus on some things for a bit longer than the usual one posting; all while giving me leeway to post as the Spirit leads, like normal. So our Thursday series will be linked together with each other, and yet separate from my other spur-of-the-moment thoughts. Hopefully this will be a more substantial and regular blessing for all y'all awesome readers out there!

ANYWHO! (enough of the public service announcement, am I right?!)

Our first series is entitled "Grit&Grace- Not Just Another Pretty Face". This series will be roughly six weeks long and will focus on the account of a different woman of the Bible each time. We will be delving into the details of the story and really looking at characteristics of each of these women and also how the Lord worked mightily through their lives. I've really been pumped about it ever since the Lord laid the idea on my heart. I pray that it will speak to you as well.

Well, without further ado.... Series1Post1~ Hannah, hurting yet hopeful. 

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Take My Hand, Precious Lord

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"Precious Lord, take my hand,
Lead me on, Let me stand.
I am tired. I am weak. I am worn."
[Thomas Andrew Dorsey, 1938]

I am tired. I am weak. I am worn. 
You know, y'all. I really am.