Sunday, August 26, 2018

Bruised Peaches

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Monday. It was this past Monday.

I had burned up my weekend at work and Monday was my first day off in a while. I woke up energized and ready for the day. I had big plans! Admittedly, those plans began- and were subsequently fueled by- some good coffee, but that's beside the point, really. :)

Thursday, August 16, 2018

"It's Not Fair!"

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Gee- children can be theatrical, can't they? I was no exception, for sure. I remember this one time when I was rather small that I had had some spat with my siblings. I recall running to my mom, tears pouring down my tiny, red face crying "It's not fair! It's not fair!" I dramatically relayed my side of the sob story and threw myself against her leg. "It's not fair. It's not fair. It's not fair.."

I also remember my mother, in her ever evident wisdom, telling me "Life isn't fair. It's better off you learn that early." Then I think she hugged me and sent me back to fix whatever the issue was. I was upset with her at the time, I know that for sure; but now, looking back, I'm realizing that she there probably was no better lesson she could've taught me.

Life really isn't fair.