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Gee- children can be theatrical, can't they? I was no exception, for sure. I remember this one time when I was rather small that I had had some spat with my siblings. I recall running to my mom, tears pouring down my tiny, red face crying "It's not fair! It's not fair!" I dramatically relayed my side of the sob story and threw myself against her leg. "It's not fair. It's not fair. It's not fair.."
I also remember my mother, in her ever evident wisdom, telling me "Life isn't fair. It's better off you learn that early." Then I think she hugged me and sent me back to fix whatever the issue was. I was upset with her at the time, I know that for sure; but now, looking back, I'm realizing that she there probably was no better lesson she could've taught me.
Life really isn't fair.
Well... Honestly, this is like take #4 of writing this post. This particular topic, which has been on my heart for a few weeks now, has really been a struggle to get threaded together. Until this afternoon, I had it going great. I spent hours typing up a long, eloquent, thought process of just how unfair life can be and what the good, Christian woman's response to such things should look like. It was filled with Scripture references, expounded upon the Lord's sovereignty, gave examples of how to trust Him in those hard times, and was even packed with some varying writing techniques to keep things interesting.
Y'all this thing was all ready to go. I was ready to post it! I quickly saved the piece and hurried off to make/eat supper. When I came back to it, my computer had evidently freak-restarted and it was gone. Hours of effort, fueled by a basic-white-girl iced coffee, completely gone. I searched through history and recently saved spots. I did all I knew to do to try and find this piece that I had invested so much into working on.
I could've cried in that instant and boy was I mad. "Stupid computer!" I sat at my desk facing this "No results found" search engine screen just fuming inside. "I worked so hard on that." "I know I saved it." "Why on God's green earth did this idiotic machine have to restart right now?"I just mulled all of this over in an angry attempt at solving an unsolvable problem.
Then, something hit me. This one scenario was a complete and perfect example of my "Life's not fair" point. All of those points that I had spent so long typing up about how to react in such a scenario flew faaaaaaaar out the window when I was smacked with a real life instance of "It's not fair!"
There can be no good sense made of why I lost all those hours of effort, despite intentionally saving it. My computer wasn't even scheduled for a restart, who in the world knows why it decided to do it. Losing that saved draft post really was entirely unfair.
And you know what? It's okay! Really.
Life happens. Stuff gets messed up. Hard times come and sometimes we never find out why- little ones and big ones alike. It happens and sometimes it really does seem unfair.
I can't offer you those eloquent words that I had composed before, but I can take this moment- this simple, unglittered moment- to remind you that our God really is sovereign. He really is working things out for the good of those who love Him. [Romans 8:28] He really does know when even a single sparrow falls and you can bet your bottom dollar that you, His child, mean so much more to Him than many sparrows. [Matthew 10:29-31]
Trust Him, y'all, even in the moments when everything seems unfair. It isn't easy, but geez is it worth it.
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