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Christian culture has a problem today, well, okay, it has lots of problems; but I'm talking about a specific one for this moment- that problem being the "S" word. Oh yes, you read that right. This post is all about the "S" word.
<got you>
Now before you go throwing old veggies at me, HEAR ME OUT! The church (little c) at large has a problem with submission. It just does, people. So much so that it's become a taboo word amongst the church populous. It's the "S" word of christian culture, if you will. The pulpit can't preach it without being 'politically incorrect.' The men can't speak of it without being called 'bigots.' The women can't support it without having other women excommunicate them. And heaven forbid we teach the children!!!!
<old lady screams and furiously fans face>
Seriously people, this is a problem!
I believe that most people misunderstand the term submission, believing only the hearsay that is spewed from women's rights groups and watered-down pulpits. Submission, or the act of submitting, is simply to yield to another authority. [Merriam-Webster's Dictionary] From the Christian's viewpoint it is to yield one's will to that of God the Father's. Sounds simple, right?
Unfortunately, no. You see, the whole act of submitting is where people start to have issues with the term submission. It's the entire process of yielding one's will- one's every desire, dream, plan, and power- over to the authority of The Lord where people start to balk. The sin that we allow to live within us, the pride and selfishness of our wicked heart, is in an all-out temper tantrum over the slightest idea of letting go of control.
We are a people afflicted with the desire for power.
Ever fiber of our being longs to be in command. We want to have full control over what and when things happen in our lives. The image that pops into my head as I write this is that of a green horse.
No, I don't mean a literal green horse like the one from The Wizard of Oz. Green is a term in horsemanship for a horse that is broke and rideable, but it still has a ways to go before it can be considered a safe and reliable mount. A green horse is a horse that is not yielding its will to its owner.
Imagine with me, for a moment, that you're on the back of a horse. Now picture a rein (leather strap attached at the side of the horse's mouth used to direct the horse where you want to go) in each hand. Got the image? Okay, now when you slightly play with the reins in each hand, a good horse- one yielding its will to you, the rider, will drop its head lower and allow you ability to lead it where to go. That's a submissive mount. However, say you were riding a green horse, for one thing, hold on! Sometimes they can be a bit free-spirited and unpredictable. More to the point though, if you were to gently play with the reins of a green horse then you would most certainly not get the same submissive result. The green horse would most likely raise his head higher, to show dominance, or begin to toss his head, to show frustration. Either of these responses is not appropriate for a reliable horse to exhibit.
This, my friends, is my mental image of submission. I'm not saying that we as humans are God's horses. Figuratively, however, the scenario is fitting. Keep that in the back of your mind for a moment.
We, as redeemed sons and daughters of God, are commanded to submit to Him and His will.
" 6 But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.”7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. 8 Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.9 Be wretched and mourn and weep. Let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to gloom. 10 Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will exalt you." [James 4:6-10]
"5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight." [Proverbs 3:5-6]
"17 But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere." [James 3:17]
I could go on, but I think you've got the idea. Christians are called to submit to God. As Proverbs said, "In all your ways submit to Him." Submission is the only trait that makes sense in a Christian's life. I can't claim to have surrendered my life over to Christ if I am in fact still unwilling to relinquish control over it. What good does it do the Lord to have someone claiming His title that in fact refuses to yield to Him? Similarly, what good does it do me, as a horseback rider, to ride a mount that is unwilling to let me guide the path we're going to take? If my horse isn't in submission to the gentle tug on the reins, then I'm not in control of the ride, he is. If a Christian isn't submitting their will, desires, plans, and power to The Lord then they are in direct violation of God's Will and His Word- they're being disobedient; and while God never loses control of anything (He never stops being sovereign) there are consequences to disobedience.
So what? Where do we go from here?
Well, that's a tough one. The battle of control between God and man has been going on since the creation of the world- literally! Adam and Eve were asked to submit to God and not eat of the forbidden fruit- they rebelled and ate it anyway. [Genesis 3] Moses was asked to submit to God and speak to the rock for water, but thought he knew better and hit it. [Numbers 20:1-13] Jonah was asked to submit to God and preach repentance to Nineveh, but instead ran the complete other direction. [Jonah 1] The list could go on forever- King Saul, Eli's sons, Lot's wife, Samson, and on and on and on! Submission is hard.
Yet! There is hope. If God commands us to do something, not only will He make it possible through our relying on Him, but He will always bring something wonderful out of it. (Note- I am not preaching prosperity Gospel. Sometimes "something wonderful" is that He rescues us from this world and takes us to be with Him. That is wonderful.) Not only does the Bible give us example after example of people refusing to submit to God, but it also gives us beautiful accounts of His people as they yield their wills to His. Think of Abraham and all he gave up to respond to God's calling. Scripture later tells us that "6 Abram believed the Lord, and he credited it to him as righteousness." [Genesis 15:6] David trusted in the Lord and "God testified concerning him: ‘I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do.’" [Acts 13:22]
The greatest example of submission comes directly from Jesus himself. Jesus came to earth in human form for one purpose. That purpose being to become a final sacrifice for sin, defeating the power of death, and to become the way for which His people could come to God the Father. Jesus never sinned. Jesus fulfilled His role in God's plan for salvation perfectly. For all that to take place, however, Jesus too had to submit to the Father. On the evening He was betrayed He cried out to God. "42 “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.”" [Luke 22:42] Jesus asked God for another way, but in submission yielded His own desire to escape the imminent suffering to that of God's Will and Plan.
Submission isn't ever easy. Submission usually isn't happy-go-lucky-fun. Submission is usually painful. And submission always requires sacrifice. But submission is commanded by God and it is SO worthwhile when we finally do surrender our own self. If you decide to submit your will to that of God's today, I can't promise you an easy road. As a matter of fact I CAN promise you a difficult one. Full submission is a beautiful process of constantly denying one's self and clinging to the strength and grace of Christ.
I believe that submission is so detested by society today because of how hard it is. We like easy. We like fast. We like painless. Submission is none of those things. Rather full submission will never be attained in a Christian's life until we are presented before God in heaven. The process is ongoing.
I know that in my life, I try to submit. Sadly I must say that my attempts more closely resemble that green-broke horse than an old reliable mount. I'm trying! Thank God for His abundant grace and mercy!
If you were to take a moment to evaluate your heart of submission, where would you stand?
I really like the green-horse analogy. " The sin that we allow to live within us, the pride and selfishness of our wicked heart, is in an all-out temper tantrum over the slightest idea of letting go of control." I never thought of it that way before - great article!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Michaela! I am so encouraged to hear that this post meant something to you! To God be the glory. :)