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Christmas isn't about a baby. I mean, Absolutely it's about a Holy, Perfect King clothed in glory who gave it all up to be born an "illegitimate" birth in a stinking, filthy cow-pen. Just don't stop there people! Tell the rest of the story. It's about a perfect man; a cross; an empty tomb and a single open door to heaven. It's about a Savior; About Redemption. Christmas is about Love and self-sacrifice. It's about hope of eternal things and complete joy in the temporary. It's about lost souls; about forgiveness. It's about a guy named Jesus; the Carpenter's Boy and God's Son.
Christians often like to shout-atop-the-rooftops how baby Jesus is the "reason for the season." This is all well and good as long as you take this statement with a grain of salt. Sure, Christmas is the time that we celebrate the birth of Christ. However, we need to stop focusing SO much on the baby Jesus and rather dwell upon the actual reason He came! This whole season is a huge open door to let everyone around you know that Jesus came to save and save He did!
"For God- THE True God, THE Living God, THE Eternal King [Jeremiah 10:10], Who IS Majestic in holiness and Awesome in Glory [Exodus 15:11]- {HE} so loved the world- Jews and Gentiles, one and all, while we were still in our despicable state of sin [Romans 3:22-23]- that He gave- He sacrificed [Hebrews 9:28], He sent [Luke 4:18], and He forsook on our behalf [Mark 15:34]- His one and only Son- Jesus- that WHOEVER believes- both in heart and action [Romans 10:9-13]- in Him- the Son, the Savior, Jesus Christ [John 14:6]- will NOT perish- will not suffer eternal suffering and punishment [Matthew 25:41 + 46] (for this is our just reward without Him [Romans 6:23])- but {INSTEAD} we will have eternal life- a great reward [Matthew 5:12], a forever home [John 14:2], a perfect paradise [Luke 23:43; Revelation 2:7b]. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save- Redeem [Ephesians 1:7], Rescue [Colossians 1:13], Reconcile [Colossians 1:19-20], and Adopt [Galatians 4:4-5]- the world through Him.
-John 3:16-17
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