Sunday, April 17, 2016

Of Dads and Daughters...

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“Dad, just leave me alone!” I’m guilty of those words. I was hurt, upset, and not ready to talk to anyone at that moment. Yet, as I leaned with my back against the door and tears streaming down my cheeks my heart wanted to scream “Please! Don’t Go! Don’t ever leave me alone truly!” He usually stands there, outside my door, waiting for me to compose myself enough to open it so we can talk out our issues, hug and make up. This day, months ago, was different though, I said those ugly words in frustration and when I finally did open the door, he wasn’t standing there. He had walked away to another room and left me alone just as I had demanded. I was hurt even worse, even forgetting the original offence. Now I only sobbed because I had pushed him away in a time when I needed him so badly; and he listened.

Dads, I’m gonna talk to you for a moment, don’t listen to us! We’re girls. We’re sinful, imperfect, hormonal girls. The things that come out of our mouths in moments of frustration are hurtful to you and wrong, yes; but please, don’t walk away!

I want you all to know that my dad and I did resolve that situation. Forgiveness was offered all around and we both learned from it. But the fact still remains, dads we need you to be there for us, even when we’re in the wrong.

You can always tell what a girl’s relationship with her dad is by how she acts. This can be a very sad reality for some. A girl who is being filled by her dad won’t need to seek out other sources to satisfy the void. A girl whose father encourages modesty and calls her beautiful while being so won’t have a desire to reveal herself in order to feel pretty. A girl who feels loved and cherished by her daddy won’t have an emptiness urging her to find that same value in the quickest way possible.

Dads your role in your daughter’s life is essential!

Every ounce of energy that you pour into her right now, even if it seems to fall on deaf ears, will come to fruition. We notice and, even if we don’t say anything, we love you for it. Don’t stop just because we roll our eyes; but by all means reprimand (in a godly way) the eye roll! Tell your daughter yet today that you love her, and every day after. Pray for your daughter, lift her up before God. There’s no better place for her to be. Make a purposeful time to spend time with her- in my house we call these daddy- daughter dates and they don’t have to cost money, only time.  Surprise her with something special every now and again: maybe her favorite 99 cent candy bar or an impromptu dance session during dishes. It’s the little things that you do with and for her that can change your relationship in HUGE ways; believe me, I know!

Now for the young ladies still with me, your turn! (Did you think I’d forget?) Girls, show your dad some respect! I’ll cite the verse just for the sake of it, but we all know it.

“Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. ‘Honor your father and mother’—which is the first commandment with a promise—“ [Ephesians 6:1-2]

Honor. That’s the key word here, ladies. Honor is a word meaning respect, obey and (dare I say it?) cherish. Your dad, even with all his faults and shortcomings, is still just that- your dad. Right now, in your state of waiting, he is what the Lord has given to you as your protector, your spiritual head. Pray for him. Respect him. Love him. I have been blessed with a wonderful father, this may not be the case for most of you, but either way our responsibility is still the same: honor. It very well may be through your love and respect that your father may be brought closer to God.

So girls, don’t be like me. Don’t push your dad away in your hurt and frustration, and if you have, resolve that yet today. Always be quick to ask for forgiveness, and even quicker to offer it. This man that God has blessed you with is a one and only, there’ll never be another like him. Thank God for him.

Dads, I ask just one more thing of you: please, always stand outside our door. 

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Someday My Prince Will Come

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“Someday my prince will come, Someday we'll meet again
And away to his castle we'll go, To be happy forever I know”
                                                                                                                -Snow White

Yeah, I was that girl; the twirl-y skirt, plastic crown, wannabe princess kind of girl. I absolutely loved Aurora, Belle, Odette, and Rapunzel. I had every song to every classic Disney princess movie memorized; still do actually… When Snow White sang that song (in her insanely high pitched voice, mind you) my little 7 year old heart filled with the hope that one day my prince WOULD come.
Well, I’m not 7 anymore. That pure, innocent, hope that once filled me has been checked with a good ole dose of reality. Sorry, that sounds awfully depressing; but it isn’t really.

Yes, I have come to grips with the fact that Prince Charming isn’t out there right now with my shoe searching for me.  I have accepted the truth that the literal (although animated) Prince Derick isn’t bravely fighting off the “Great Animal” that poses as my fiercest threat. Beast isn’t gonna come running if Gaston decides to show up.  Not even good old Flynn Rider will run to my rescue with his trusty frying pan.  Wanna know why? Cause they’re not real. 

Ladies, there’s a strong possibility that you can relate, even in a slight way, to some of this. Almost every little girl dreams of her future prince.  We lie in bed at night and plan our fairytale wedding- every detail from the style of our dress to the favors on the table. Everything would be great except the harsh reality of reality usually breaks though at some point and steals some of our sparkle. We realize that life isn’t all song and “Bippity Boppitty Boo.”  “Whistle while you work” becomes more like freak out while trying to juggle it all. Our eyes are opened to the fact that most guys act more like the leading villain than a valiant prince; and here we’re left… waiting.

THERE IS HOPE, my friends, and it came over 2,000 years ago in the form of a baby. You see, girls, even if it’s not in the grand plan of our life to ever meet “The One”, God still provided a prince to rescue us; that “prince” being the true Son of the King of Kings- Jesus.

Jesus came to save us from our sins, sure! But He also came to redeem us, to buy us back from our father the devil. He came to make our adoption possible.  He came to transform us, the spiritually adulterous wretches that we are, into the spotless, innocent, bride that He will one day present before His Father.  That’s Awesome!

And you know what, girls? I pray for my future husband almost every day.  Those dreams that indwelt a certain 7 year old girl are still very much alive in my prayers. The only difference is that I don’t ask God to give my future husband the dashing looks of Flynn or the tenacity of Derick. No, not at all actually. Rather I pray that my future husband has the qualities of our true Prince- of Jesus.

·         I pray that he has patience, like Jesus did with the demanding crowds around Him. [Mark 19:19]

·          I pray that he has boldness, as Jesus showed when He called the Pharisees “white washed tombs.” [Matthew 23:17]

·          I pray that he always values our God more than earthly wealth, just like Jesus told the rich young ruler. [Matthew 19:21]

·         I pray that he fulfills his role as husband, just like Christ did/is doing for the Church. [Ephesians 5:21-33]

(And many more…)

I’m sure that there’ll be times where my man truly does seem like a prince charming; and then there’ll be times where my prince seems like anything but.  It’ll be in those moments when he puts the roll of toilet paper on backwards that I’ll have to love him anyway. It’ll be in the times where his decision isn’t even close to what I would’ve chosen that I’ll still have to be the submissive wife in Ephesians 5. It’ll be during the nights that he’s just so grumpy that I’ll have to pray all that patience on me. But he’ll still be my prince. He’ll still be the man that God gave me.  When I pray for him each day, I pray for me too.

So, I guess I’ll go back to my original quote. “Someday my prince WILL come.” Whether that prince will come first in the man that God is preparing me for, or in the glorious face of Jesus, I’m not certain. One thing that is for sure is that I’m gonna be waiting for whoever God sees fit to send first!  

Monday, April 4, 2016

I Have Decided

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“I have decided to follow Jesus. No turning back, no turning back.
Though none go with me still I will follow. No turning back, no turning back.
The cross before me, the world behind me. No turning back, no turning back.”

Every day we are overwhelmed with choices to make. Get up or “snooze”? Breakfast or just coffee? Coffee or tea? Jacket or sweater? (And yes, there’s a difference gentleman!) Highway or back roads? Fill up now or fill up later? Sleep or finish the project? Text or call? Go or stay? Cash or card? Yes or no?!

Some decisions we make so often that it almost becomes an automatic response; it’s like saying decaff with cream or a number 1 extra pickle. Sometimes our faith-life can be this monotonous. We have all the modern worship song lyrics memorized from singing them every week. We know what our church is doing at this exact moment even if we’re not there because we’ve done it so many times.  We hardly have to think when saying our evening prayer just from reciting it every night; and our Bible time? Yeah, it’s a chapter a day, every day we can fit it in; same old same old.

The passion and zeal that we should have with God has become no more meaningful than just a habit.

We should be ashamed. I, first among sinners, should be ashamed. I’ve allowed my day-to-day faith-life to become almost meaningless.

Do me a favor, please. Scroll back up to the top and reread the words in italics. You might recognize the song. You probably have heard it sung over and over since childhood. These few words simple, yet profound, are a strong proclamation to the world around us. Or at least they could be. Yesterday we sang this song in church. In church, people. With hands raised, I sang this song IN CHURCH. What kind of decision is that? What meaning do those words hold in an atmosphere of safe, like-minded, church-goers?

For one person, those words held all the meaning in the world.

No one is completely sure, and I guess no one ever will be, but there’s a story behind the origin of this song. Story goes, a man from India and his family converted to Christianity. The whole family became sold-out for Jesus, and the village chief didn’t like it. The chief went to them threatening death for all if they didn’t renounce this new faith. The Father spoke the famous words “I have decided to follow Jesus. No turning back.” The chief once again lashed his threat and the Father replied “Though none go with me, still I will follow.” His wife and he were executed together and his last words were “The cross before me. The world behind me.”

As I read the history behind this song, I was brought to near tears. I could so boldly sing this song with a crowd surrounding me, but could I, in the face of an execution sentence, even mumble them softly- let alone proclaim them with vigor like the Indian man? Even if this story isn’t 100% accurate, there are still an innumerable amount of people that will stand in the face of such persecution today and tomorrow and the day after that, who will have to make that life or death choice while I sit here deciding what font size I want to use. I’m ashamed.

The Bible tells us in the book of Joshua that Israel was divided. The false gods of other nations were worming their way into the hearts of God’s chosen people. The idolatry was not only causing a rift between the people themselves but it was more imperatively building a separation between the people and the One True God; their God. Joshua, as the leader, confronted the people and relayed the Lord’s message

“But if you refuse to serve the Lord, then choose today whom you will serve. Would you prefer the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates? Or will it be the gods of the Amorites in whose land you now live? But as for me and my family, we will serve the Lord.” [Joshua 24:15]

Choose Today. Joshua boldly ordered the Israelites to do this thousands of years ago, and the Lord asks each of us to do it now. If you’re saved, then you’ve already made the choice to serve the Lord. Praise God! If you’re not, I pray that this will be the day in which you do. (If you need a little more info in this area, maybe check this out)

I’m just gonna be honest with you right now: I believe that there’s a little more to the Christian life than this one and done choice. But before I go any farther, I do NOT believe that man can in ANY WAY earn his/her salvation. I do NOT believe that “works” are required to maintain one’s salvation. And I do NOT believe that one can lose their salvation. So hear me out. :)

As a Christian, we must make a daily, moment-by-moment choice to surrender our will to Jesus Christ and choose Him. We must choose Him over our fleshly desires. We must choose Him over our pleasurable temptations. We must choose Him over ourselves. In this sense, Joshua’s (God’s) “Choose this day” is more ‘choose this moment.’

I don’t know about you, but I want to be like that man from India, like believers all over the globe, if I’m ever faced with such extreme persecution.  Even if I’m not in that severe of a situation, I want to every day, every moment, make a choice to choose the One True God. I want to be able to sing, in every circumstance, in the face of every evil, “I have decided to follow Jesus. No turning back”

“No turning back.”