Sunday, April 17, 2016

Of Dads and Daughters...

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“Dad, just leave me alone!” I’m guilty of those words. I was hurt, upset, and not ready to talk to anyone at that moment. Yet, as I leaned with my back against the door and tears streaming down my cheeks my heart wanted to scream “Please! Don’t Go! Don’t ever leave me alone truly!” He usually stands there, outside my door, waiting for me to compose myself enough to open it so we can talk out our issues, hug and make up. This day, months ago, was different though, I said those ugly words in frustration and when I finally did open the door, he wasn’t standing there. He had walked away to another room and left me alone just as I had demanded. I was hurt even worse, even forgetting the original offence. Now I only sobbed because I had pushed him away in a time when I needed him so badly; and he listened.

Dads, I’m gonna talk to you for a moment, don’t listen to us! We’re girls. We’re sinful, imperfect, hormonal girls. The things that come out of our mouths in moments of frustration are hurtful to you and wrong, yes; but please, don’t walk away!

I want you all to know that my dad and I did resolve that situation. Forgiveness was offered all around and we both learned from it. But the fact still remains, dads we need you to be there for us, even when we’re in the wrong.

You can always tell what a girl’s relationship with her dad is by how she acts. This can be a very sad reality for some. A girl who is being filled by her dad won’t need to seek out other sources to satisfy the void. A girl whose father encourages modesty and calls her beautiful while being so won’t have a desire to reveal herself in order to feel pretty. A girl who feels loved and cherished by her daddy won’t have an emptiness urging her to find that same value in the quickest way possible.

Dads your role in your daughter’s life is essential!

Every ounce of energy that you pour into her right now, even if it seems to fall on deaf ears, will come to fruition. We notice and, even if we don’t say anything, we love you for it. Don’t stop just because we roll our eyes; but by all means reprimand (in a godly way) the eye roll! Tell your daughter yet today that you love her, and every day after. Pray for your daughter, lift her up before God. There’s no better place for her to be. Make a purposeful time to spend time with her- in my house we call these daddy- daughter dates and they don’t have to cost money, only time.  Surprise her with something special every now and again: maybe her favorite 99 cent candy bar or an impromptu dance session during dishes. It’s the little things that you do with and for her that can change your relationship in HUGE ways; believe me, I know!

Now for the young ladies still with me, your turn! (Did you think I’d forget?) Girls, show your dad some respect! I’ll cite the verse just for the sake of it, but we all know it.

“Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. ‘Honor your father and mother’—which is the first commandment with a promise—“ [Ephesians 6:1-2]

Honor. That’s the key word here, ladies. Honor is a word meaning respect, obey and (dare I say it?) cherish. Your dad, even with all his faults and shortcomings, is still just that- your dad. Right now, in your state of waiting, he is what the Lord has given to you as your protector, your spiritual head. Pray for him. Respect him. Love him. I have been blessed with a wonderful father, this may not be the case for most of you, but either way our responsibility is still the same: honor. It very well may be through your love and respect that your father may be brought closer to God.

So girls, don’t be like me. Don’t push your dad away in your hurt and frustration, and if you have, resolve that yet today. Always be quick to ask for forgiveness, and even quicker to offer it. This man that God has blessed you with is a one and only, there’ll never be another like him. Thank God for him.

Dads, I ask just one more thing of you: please, always stand outside our door. 

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