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“How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to Your
Word.” (Psalm 119:9)
culture avoids it. Many pastors will never even mention it at the pulpit. You
won’t hear your peers talk about it. Yet it is one of the highest requirements
the Lord instructs us in; Purity. To announce the biblical principle of saving
intimacy for marriage offends people. Sex has become a bad word among
believers. Overall the church (not a capital ‘C’) has fallen into the same rut
as our near-pagan society. Nevertheless, guys and girls alike, The LORD still
asks us to be pure. Paul writes to the Church to be waiting, spotless and
without blemish, pure, for the return of Christ. [2 Peter 3:14] Now before you
get too overwhelmed with this heavy knowledge, you need to know one more thing.
Purity is so much more than just virginity. By the time we’re done, saving sex
for marriage might just be the easy part. To be and stay pure as the Lord
requires we must be wholly outwardly pure, inwardly pure and mentally pure.
Purity, or ‘physical purity’, is probably the most well known and most
acknowledged among the Christian culture.
Many professing parents even encourage their teens to wear “promise
rings” as a tangible, outward, sign for others to note. However, if we were to
look into the Bible for guidance as to what, specifically, such purity looked
like in God’s sight, would our generation of ‘teens’ really want to make such a
“promise”? As stated earlier, purity is more than virginity; and if this is to
be the case, then what is it fully? Let’s see for ourselves, shall we? Paul
instructs the Corinthian Church (Capital ‘C’, mind you; this means that it’s
talking to you as well, if you’re a part of the body of Christ) that “We
live in such a way that no one will
stumble because of us, and no one will find fault with our ministry. In
everything we do, we show that we
are true ministers of God. We patiently endure troubles and hardships and
calamities of every kind… We
prove ourselves by our purity, our understanding, our patience, our
kindness, by the Holy Spirit within us, and by our sincere love…” (2 Corinthians 6:3-4, 6 NLT) In
other words we are to, in “everything we do”, prove that we are “true ministers
of God” “by our purity” so that “no one will stumble”. Interesting.
In what ways could we cause others
to stumble? How about the way that we dress? Guys, I’m talking to you solely
now, I don’t want to see your chest. I don’t even want to see such a tight
shirt that I can’t help but notice your chest! It makes me go places mentally
that I don’t want to. Ladies, your turn; I don’t want to see your chest either!
Period. I could get more specific and I could also name off a few other places
and things that I don’t want to see, both for ladies and gents alike, but
that’s not my specific point here. All I’m saying is this, if you dress in such
a way as to reveal large portions of your body, you’re not saving too much to
give to your future spouse’s eyes alone.
You’re basically allowing every Tom, Dick and Harry (or Jane, Sue and
Cindy) to possibly have mental intimacy with what you’re showing off or, in the
very, very, least, you’re attracting a crowd of people that are not uplifting to
your faith-life. I don’t mean to be so blunt here, and yet, in the same sense,
I do.
Since we were talking about the people that we attract, I think I’ll make
that our next step in outward purity. Scripture tells us that “bad company corrupts good morals.” (1
Corinthians 15:33) Hmm, corrupted
morals. That certainly doesn’t sound very pure to me! How can we claim the
label of purity if we are surrounded by moral-corrupting people? Our friends
greatly influence us! Think for a moment of whom it is that you call a friend,
how do they affect your morals, and then ultimately, how do they affect your
I’ll bring up one more point on outward purity. (Don’t sigh in relief
yet.)Jesus Himself tells us that “…out of
the [overflow] of the heart, the mouth speaks.” (Matthew 12:34) So if my
mouth is pouring out foul language and disrespect, does not this mean that all
that nastiness is in my heart? When I first realized this I literally thought
“ouch!” Whatever I allow to come through my lips is a reflection of the state
that I allow my heart to be in. If your heart is full of filth, your words will
be as well. Someone who claims to be outwardly pure cannot have a mouth that
spews garbage.
Another division of purity, as a whole, is Inward Purity. I also like to
refer to this one as “spiritual purity”. We have already touched briefly on
some parts of this, but just this point alone could literally take forever to
iron out the details. Basically, the state that you are in spiritually with The
Lord directly affects the state of your purity in general. The issue with this
is that every time we choose to sin, we throw purity out the window in the
process. Christ, when He defeated death through His resurrection, gave us the
victory over sin and the potential for perfection. However, it’s our choices
and choosing to continue in bondage to sin; but that’s enough on those details
for now. The question now becomes “How can a young person keep pure?” The
answer, in and of itself, sounds simple, and we can even find it in the latter
part of the verse; “…by living according
to Your (God’s) Word (the Bible).” (Psalm 119:9) Like I said simple, right?
Not really. Just for starters to “live according” to God’s Word means that everything
we do in our life needs to parallel what Scripture tells us to do. Everything.
Here’s the problem with that, Paul tells the Church in Rome (again,
capital ‘C’) that even he “I know that
nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. I want to do what is
right, but I can’t. I want to do what is
good, but I don’t. I don’t want to do what is wrong, but I do it anyway.”
(Romans 7:18-19) I don’t know about
you, but in my opinion, if Paul struggles with staying spiritually pure, then
I’m done for! So, what hope do we have? Well, Paul doesn’t stop with that
depressing statement; he goes on a few verses later to say “So now there is no condemnation for those
who belong to Christ Jesus. And because you belong to Him, the power of the
life-giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death.”
(Romans 8:1-2) We are free. We have power. We have Jesus! When Jesus came
to earth, He died to save us, He rose to redeem us, and He left to give us
opportunity. He knew that we wouldn’t be able to have perfect perfection, and
He doesn’t require that of us. That’s why He sacrificed Himself. Yet He does
expect heart-intentional devotion and persevering-effort towards that goal
(perfection). This is where our spiritual purity ties in.
For starters, when we do wrong, and we will, we need be repentant. Not
just the “I’m sorry” kind, but the kind of repentance that is truly upset over
the sin, seeks The Lord’s forgiveness (and that of whomever else’s it might
require), and earnestly tries to not repeat the mistake. By doing this we are,
in essence, bringing our stained, sin-filled, garments to the Lord and handing
them over for Him to truly clean them; time and time again. He offers to purify
them, and us, for us. [Isaiah 1:18] We are also given a pretty detailed list of
what our life should look like (a reference to outward purity) as a result of
what our heart is becoming. Romans 12 (and much of the New Testament in general
really) gives a great summation of this. Characteristics such as genuine love,
an abhorrence of evil, patience in tribulation, and constancy in prayer are all
inward traits that sow outward results of a true, purity-seeking,
believer. Finally, we are warned to “Guard your heart ABOVE ALL ELSE, for it
determines the course of your life.” (Proverbs 4:23) Inward purity, even
purity in any sense, requires a level of defensiveness. We need to be aware of
situations or people that may potentially pose a threat to our purity. Jesus
always sent his disciples out in pairs [Luke 10:1] largely, I believe, to keep
one another accountable and in protection of their purity, which we now know
involves way more than just physical stuff.
A child of God must always be on guard for the evil that lurks. To us nowadays, that evil could be on the
internet, through the people we’re spending time with, in books we read, the
music we listen to, what comes on television (even those blasted commercials)
or even just where we allow our thoughts to wander. We need to guard our hearts people!
The final form of purity is mental purity, or purity of the mind. Most of
any spiritual battle takes place within our mind. Our mind is a powerful thing and, because of
that, it is one of the Devil’s prime play grounds. If he can make our mind
believe something, anything, even slightly altered from what God says, then we
are not focusing on God anymore and that’s exactly how he wants us. This is how he got to Eve in the Garden of Eden;
he twisted God’s words and played tricks on her mind. [Genesis 3] He later
tried to do the same scheme with Jesus during that period after his 40 days of
fasting and prayer. [Matthew 4] Eve crumbled, Jesus excelled. What was the
difference? Jesus was prepared, Eve was vulnerable. To expound upon this
slightly, Jesus had just spent 40 days fasting, praying and completely focusing
on the Lord. He was, although physically weak, spiritually (and therefore
mentally) ready for whatever Satan had to throw at Him.
Am I saying that we all need to devote the rest of our lives doing
exactly as Jesus did during that 40 day period? Well, no; and yet, yes. We are
not going to be able to spend every waking moment in complete fast and prayer;
although small periods of this throughout our lives are necessary and biblical,
it’s just not possible to do it 24/7. Besides, doing so would also take us away
from other Christian responsibilities that the Lord gave to us, such as
building the kingdom and fellowshipping with other believers. It is true though that our spiritual life
will only ever be as strong as our prayer life. So if we are not daily spending
time with the Lord; hourly leaning on Him; and moment by moment calling upon
Him, not only for His help, but in praise to Him and for Who He is; then when
we get invaded mentally by Satan and his temptations WE WILL FAIL! We need to
be intentional about building a strong relationship with the Lord. He is
willing, we’re the problem.
The Lord, in addition to a growing relationship, offers us another tool
to fend off the Devil’s mind games. He has given us a whole set of armor. Not
just any armor, spiritual armor made specifically for fighting spiritual
battles. Does it get any better than that? Yes; actually it does! Each piece
has a specific purpose and Ephesians 6 breaks those down for us; The belt of
truth for discernment, the breastplate of righteousness as a reminder of where
it is we stand and how we got there, the shoes of peace, the shield of faith
made up of God’s promises to us and His past provisions for us to use against
Satan’s “fiery arrows” (temptations) as Jesus did, the helmet of salvation and
the sword of the Spirit which is literally God’s Word. [Ephesians 6:13-17] When we wield each of these pieces
effectively there is no reason to lose a mind battle. God always provides the
tools for purity, does He not?
We have only just scratched the surface of God’s design for staying
outwardly pure, inwardly pure, and mentally pure. Without a desire and effort to be pure, no
matter if you’re young or old, married or single, your status as a believer
must be questioned. Each item mentioned, in any of the categories, is one that
can be transferred into whatever stage of life this finds you in. Now I’m not
saying that anyone is going to be able to do this whole purity thing perfectly.
We all mess up; and often. Nor am I saying that purity should become any
version of a legalistic checklist, even in the slightest way. That’s not what I
mean at all. We need to always have our eyes and heart fixed solely on The
LORD, nothing else. Nothing. What I am saying, however, is that by building
that relationship with God, and focusing on Him, purity will fall into place in
our lives and we need to make sure that we don’t leave out any portion of it
due to the wide-spread, culturally-fed ignorance handed to us. The Lord’s call for us, as Christians, is
certainly one of great weight and responsibility, but it is also one fueled by
love and a desire for us, His creation, to have the very best out of this
corrupted world possible. We, in turn, should strive and seek to fulfill this
request not only out of gratitude for the sacrifice made for us, but also out
of love for The ever sovereign Lord and OUR Merciful Savior.
-Get pure. Stay pure. Be pure. It’s a lifestyle.-
“Don’t let anyone think less of you because
you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you
live, in your love, your faith, and your purity.” (1 Timothy 4:12)
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