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Let me tell you a story. A story
about a little girl; a little girl with dirty blonde pigtails, hazel-colored
eyes, a handful of freckles over the bridge of her nose, and one front tooth
missing from her sweet , little smile. This little girl’s mama was making her
favorite supper. Everything was gonna be made from scratch, all hot and ready,
steaming on the table with delicious aroma when her daddy got home from work. The
only problem was that daddy didn’t get home for 45 more minutes, and the little
girl was hungry; really hungry. Disobeying her mom, she grabbed a chair, pushed
it up to the pantry shelf, pulled down an armful of her favorite snacks and
commenced to eat them. She took a couple nibbles of the cookie, a few handfuls
of crackers, unwrapped some candies, and then went back and finished them all
off. By the time her daddy walked in the door, the little girl had chocolate
smears on her face, crumbs on her jumper, and a bellyache to rival all
bellyaches! After indulging in every piece of junk she could finger, there was
no room left to enjoy the prize that was now within reach.
What would you have done if you
were that little girl? Would you have waited patiently? Or would the junk food
be your choice as well? The culture of the world screams the priority of making
yourself happy and taking advantage of everything life offers. The little girl
listened to that message.
I read a quote the other day that I
strongly disagreed with. It stated:
“A girl can wait for the right man to come along but in
the meantime that still doesn’t mean that she can’t have a wonderful time with
all the wrong ones.” -Cher
You know, that little girl did
exactly what this quote inspires. Even though she was waiting for a wonderful
goal, she ruined the beauty of the whole thing by being greedy and impatient. What
would you think if I told you that you are that little girl? You, as an
unmarried young person, are a representation of that young child waiting for
your ‘special supper’; and you have a choice. Will you actively wait, patiently
wait, purely wait for your future husband or wife; OR will you indulge in every
available Jack or Jill who offers momentary pleasure; and I’m not just talking
about the big stuff guys. Every part of your body, every new triumph, is a
gift; all wrapped up. Every gift that is unwrapped before you say “I do” is one
that you can never re-wrap for your spouse. Your parents get to unwrap your
first smile, first words, first steps, first tears, and first laugh. I’m sure
they can say more than I how special those firsts were. Likewise, there is no
greater gift to give your future spouse than your first kiss, first-time
holding hands, first front-to-front hug, first slow dance, and, of course, your
unblemished physical purity.
Let me tell you another story; this
time, about an old man. This man (Abraham) was married, well, to an old woman. God
had promised a lineage more numerous than the stars in the sky [Genesis
15:5]; quite a big family! The only issue was: they had no children. Not
even one! How were they supposed to receive the blessing of such a huge family
without one child to even carry on their name?! They asked. God told them to
wait. They waited a while, and then asked again. God renewed His promise and
told them to wait. The older and older they got, the more impatient they
became. Then Abraham took matters into his own hands. He started eating the
junk food, so to speak, and created a child with his servant. God rejected this
child as the promised blessing. Abraham spoiled his ‘special supper’, his
blessed family line, with an impatient substitute. The Lord did eventually fulfill His promise to Abraham through his wife (Sarah); but even to this day we
suffer the effects of Abraham’s rash decision. Abraham couldn’t, and didn’t,
escape the consequences of chowing on the junk food; and neither will you and I
if we try!
It’s hard! I know. It’s not easy to
be a patient waiter. It’s challenging to always be focusing your mind and heart
on God until He points out “the one”. You can look around to your peers and see
the obvious results of their not quite making it. Now in no sense am I saying
that because of any slip, big or small, that they are bad people or that they
have ruined their life or spoiled their chance. Maybe even you have missed the
highest mark a little. No one is perfect. DON’T DESPAIR! I think Abraham is a
great example, and a source of hope, to those of us who may have been
impatient. Even after many others may have thought he blew it, God turned his
man-made mess into a wonderful, fully forgiven, life. Yours can be too. I want
to encourage you friend. I want you to know that even though the entire world
pressures you into compromising, YOU CAN STAND FIRM. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.
The Bible talks of another man
(Timothy), very close to our age, who was being looked down on, maybe even
pressured, because of his standards for God. God, through Paul, encourages him
to stand firm. Encourages him to:
let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all
believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and
your purity.” (1 Timothy 4:12 NLT)
The little girl messed up. Abraham
was forgiven (and still called righteous, mind you! [Hebrews
11:8-12]) Timothy overcame. I’m sure, somehow, you, too, have messed up. We
all have. You can stay there OR you can seek forgiveness from God and overcome
in the future. It’s up to you.
Monday, November 30, 2015
Don't Eat The Junk Food!
Monday, November 23, 2015
A Letter From Daddy
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A Letter From Daddy
"My precious daughter, My
earthly delight,
None is more special than you in my sight.
Your features are mine. My reflection you are.
Don’t let anyone tell you you’re not up to par.
Your figure is pleasant, you’re not a disgrace.
I love every “blemish” that appears on your face.
Some proclaim you as “ugly”; too fat or too thin.
Please don’t ever listen to their opinion!
I set the standard and the goals you should preach;
And I never said the exact pound you should reach.
So don’t focus on that, keep your eyes only on me.
Then I will change how it is that you see.
As far as those scars that you cover and hide,
The ones that are seen and those deep inside.
I know how you got them and right where they're at.
And I love you in spite of them; yes, that's a fact.
When you're hurting I hurt, so I know your pain.
I won't hold sins against you. I don't play that game.
Let me mend all your scars and heal all your hurt.
Let me clean every wound from the grit and the dirt.
Run to your Daddy. Let me wipe all your tears.
Tell me your hopes and your dreams and your fears.
I'll understand if you make a mistake.
Don't give me that brave face; I know it's fake.
None is more special than you in my sight.
Your features are mine. My reflection you are.
Don’t let anyone tell you you’re not up to par.
Your figure is pleasant, you’re not a disgrace.
I love every “blemish” that appears on your face.
Some proclaim you as “ugly”; too fat or too thin.
Please don’t ever listen to their opinion!
I set the standard and the goals you should preach;
And I never said the exact pound you should reach.
So don’t focus on that, keep your eyes only on me.
Then I will change how it is that you see.
As far as those scars that you cover and hide,
The ones that are seen and those deep inside.
I know how you got them and right where they're at.
And I love you in spite of them; yes, that's a fact.
When you're hurting I hurt, so I know your pain.
I won't hold sins against you. I don't play that game.
Let me mend all your scars and heal all your hurt.
Let me clean every wound from the grit and the dirt.
Run to your Daddy. Let me wipe all your tears.
Tell me your hopes and your dreams and your fears.
I'll understand if you make a mistake.
Don't give me that brave face; I know it's fake.
Remember, I knew you before
you even were.
I haven't changed just because you're not sure.
When you're in it so deep that you don't even know how;
Remember: I loved you then and I love you now.
Now just one more thing, baby, before I close.
I love your whole body, from you head to your toes.
I made you real special; all your curve, shape and line.
I did it on purpose, 'twas my unique design.
Just do me one thing. It's not much I ask;
Yet I understand that it's no easy task.
Dress modestly, darling, put on some clothes!
I have reasons that even Eve needed those!
You know all those trinkets you have out on display.
They're the ones that get touched and messed with each day.
They're exposed to the dust and the filth of the air;
And they're looked at so much that you start to not care.
But the most valuable ones are wrapped up and secure.
You want to protect them. Keep them stainless and pure.
Now that's not to say that they'll never get used!
But only when it's special and they won't get abused.
Your body is like this; A valuable prize.
Don't let it be devalued by everyone's eyes.
Cover, protect it; don't flaunt it around.
I know how counter cultural this sounds.
Your body's not bad and don't hide it for shame.
If it's done for wrong motives it'll all be in vain.
I've told you "you're beautiful" and I never lie.
But this is one instance where I'll go on to say why.
You're My temple, you see, if I live in your heart.
This is the reason that I've set you apart.
You need to be different 'cause you’re shining my light.
No matter what people say; and sometimes in spite!
So My precious, My child, My princess. That's you!
You've heard what I've said and you know what to do.
I've given you the tools. Now you've got this girl!
Step with me in faith and go rock the world.
I'll always be with you. Like an unmovable stone.
Friends come and friends go, but you're never alone.
In closing I'll say one more thing; okay, two:
You're Daddy's little girl; and I sure do love you!"
I haven't changed just because you're not sure.
When you're in it so deep that you don't even know how;
Remember: I loved you then and I love you now.
Now just one more thing, baby, before I close.
I love your whole body, from you head to your toes.
I made you real special; all your curve, shape and line.
I did it on purpose, 'twas my unique design.
Just do me one thing. It's not much I ask;
Yet I understand that it's no easy task.
Dress modestly, darling, put on some clothes!
I have reasons that even Eve needed those!
You know all those trinkets you have out on display.
They're the ones that get touched and messed with each day.
They're exposed to the dust and the filth of the air;
And they're looked at so much that you start to not care.
But the most valuable ones are wrapped up and secure.
You want to protect them. Keep them stainless and pure.
Now that's not to say that they'll never get used!
But only when it's special and they won't get abused.
Your body is like this; A valuable prize.
Don't let it be devalued by everyone's eyes.
Cover, protect it; don't flaunt it around.
I know how counter cultural this sounds.
Your body's not bad and don't hide it for shame.
If it's done for wrong motives it'll all be in vain.
I've told you "you're beautiful" and I never lie.
But this is one instance where I'll go on to say why.
You're My temple, you see, if I live in your heart.
This is the reason that I've set you apart.
You need to be different 'cause you’re shining my light.
No matter what people say; and sometimes in spite!
So My precious, My child, My princess. That's you!
You've heard what I've said and you know what to do.
I've given you the tools. Now you've got this girl!
Step with me in faith and go rock the world.
I'll always be with you. Like an unmovable stone.
Friends come and friends go, but you're never alone.
In closing I'll say one more thing; okay, two:
You're Daddy's little girl; and I sure do love you!"
Thursday, November 19, 2015
"Watching and [ACTIVE] waiting, looking above..."
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“Perfect submission, all is at rest,
I in my Savior am happy and blest,
Watching and waiting, looking
Filled with His goodness, lost in
His Love!”
Frances J. Crosby, Blessed Assurance
Have you ever been told the phrase
“A watch-pot never boils!” ? My mom used to say it to me all the time; especially
when company was coming over! I used to sit by the window eagerly hoping that
every passing car would be our visitors. To be honest though, I never really
understood that expression until I starting cooking.
When it was nearing time for
supper, mom would call me out to the kitchen and she would talk me through one
of the night’s dishes while she prepared the rest of the meal. It was during
those moments, while I was literally waiting for water to boil, that I would hang
on her every word. She would tell me what to add next to her infamous gravy, or
what a proper substitution for shortening would be when greasing a pan. As I
got older, I was given more responsibilities in making the meal. Now I am fully
capable of preparing the entire dinner on my own. I must
say, when you have 3 pots cooking away on the stove, a dish or 2 in the oven,
and possibly an item or so more on separate cutting boards across the counters,
there isn’t much time to watch and wait for something to boil. I have to
constantly be moving forward with the meal plan, knowing eventually that
stubborn pot will bubble and hoping that it’s just in time to pull the whole
meal together.
You know, last time we talked about
surrendering to God and resting in His perfect plan. There isn’t too much that
is more terrifying and yet completely satisfying as when we raise our hands to
God and say “it’s in Your hands now, I give up!” These are the moments when,
like a little girl watching her momma cook, we stand by our God and hang on His
every Word. We cling to every morsel He says and, in that moment, we watch and
wait for our own proverbial water to boil.
There certainly are those instances
in our lives where we just have to “Be still
and know (recognize, understand) that I am God.” [Psalm 46:10 AMP]
Yet I believe that there are moments, forks-in-the-road, where we have to be
more like the girl with 15 things going on at once. Sometimes the Lord doesn’t
want us to just wait-it-out. Instead, He asks us to tend to the dishes in the
oven, or the ingredients on the counter AS WE WAIT for that one pot to boil.
This is what I mean when I say “Active Waiting”.
Let’s Pause For A Moment
Ruth is one of my favorite Bible
accounts. Maybe it’s the fact that it’s a biblical love story, or that it’s
only 4 chapters long, either way, I really like it! (Read
it here.) Anyway, Ruth is also a great example of active waiting. For those
that aren’t as familiar with her book, I’ll summarize. Ruth was not an
Israelite. She was a gentile from an entire other city, but she married one of
God’s Chosen People after his family moved to her home town. It wasn’t long
until her husband, father-in-law, AND brother-in-law all died and she was left
with a grieving sister-in-law and mother-in-law (not to mention herself!). Her
beloved mother-in-law, Naomi, decided that with nothing left, it was time to go
home. Ruth’s sister-in-law easily moved on, but Ruth didn’t. Even though that,
at this point, Ruth didn’t know the God of Naomi, she was still stuck in this
water-boil waiting game. She could’ve easily threw her hands out screaming “HOLD
ON!” and just froze until she had everything figured out. I think we’d all
relish doing that once in a while. However, Ruth didn’t freeze. She didn’t even
pause. She just pressed forward, blindly following Naomi, placing her hope in a
foreign, unfamiliar God that everything would unfold for her, and Naomi’s, best
interests. Ruth was an active waiter.
Apply It
Sometimes God asks us to play a
game of follow the leader. Remember those? One friend was the “leader” and
everyone else followed behind exactly copying that leader’s every move. I
played this often as a child. I don’t, however, remember ever quitting the game
just because I didn’t know what was coming next. That was the whole point! We
just followed the leader. God is our leader (at least He SHOULD be!) and He,
well, leads. We are the followers and our job is to follow. That’s it! We just
follow. Sometimes we’ll know what’s coming next, more often than not we won’t
have a clue, but that doesn’t change our role as a follower. We still have to
walk behind Him copying His every move. We need to be active in our waiting.
Jumping back to that verse from the hymn in the very beginning, “Watching and waiting, looking above, Filled
with His goodness, lost in His love.” That basically sums it all up. Just
the verbs alone tell us to ‘watch’, ‘wait’, ‘look’, get ‘filled’, get ‘lost’,
OH and get moving!
“Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole
–Martin Luther King Jr. |
Monday, November 16, 2015
"Perfect submission, all is at rest..."
“Perfect submission,
all is at rest,
I in my Savior am
happy and blest,
Watching and waiting,
looking above,
Filled with His
goodness, lost in His love.”
Blessed Assurance- Frances
J. Crosby
Alright. I’m gonna ask you to do
something for me. Scroll back to the top and re-read those words again- Slowly.
Go on; I’ll wait. Done? Great! Why did I
ask you to do that? Well…
I was standing in church, hands
raised, singing along with the meaningful words of that hymn when this verse
came up. I continued singing the words by heart, almost by rote, when they
began to speak to me in a new way. Just the first line alone states “Perfect
submission, all is at rest…” That is a powerful statement right there! Where there is perfect (complete)
submission our spirits are at rest (in peace). Oftentimes this verse is
thought to be speaking about nearing the end of one’s life; and I guess that
makes sense, but I suggest that we look at it in another light; a more
relatable light.
Back to the Bible-
Do you remember reading about Jesus
in the garden of Gethsemane? That part where, right before He is crucified, He
spends the whole night praying? Jesus is faced with such extreme torment that
He actually asks His Father to take it away if HE be willing.
41 And He withdrew from them about a stone’s throw, and knelt down and
prayed, 42 saying, “Father, if You are willing, remove this cup [of divine wrath] from
Me; yet not My will, but [always] Yours be done.” [Luke 22:41-42
Jesus surrendered His life to His
Dad in perfect submission and what did it get Him? This:
43 Now an angel appeared to Him from heaven, strengthening Him. [Luke 22:43
Can’t you almost visualize the instantaneous
comfort brought to Jesus through this messenger sent by His Father? Now I’m not
saying that because of this angel Jesus felt completely great about the ordeal
he’d soon endure. I do believe, however, that because He was in perfect
submission with God, He felt peace.
So what does this have to do with you and me?
I firmly believe that there are
circumstances and situations facing you right now that you would rather God
just take away from you all fairy godmother like. Maybe it’s your ‘single’ relationship
status. Maybe there’s something going on in your home that’s out of your
control. For me, I’d love for God to just lay out a detailed life-map of the
next 50 years and clue me in on what He’s got planned. Even the next 10 years
would give a good idea! Yet it’s in those moments that we have the opportunity
to submit. It’s in those valleys in which we feel like everything is towering
above our heads and we have no choice but look up to God.
Let’s Make It Real
One of the definitions for “Submit”
in Webster’s dictionary basically says to stop
fighting and resisting. The Lord has been laying it on my heart that I need
to stop fighting to know the details and submit to His yet-to-be-revealed plan.
You know what? When I do that, I feel
peace. When we allow God to have way in our life, when we submit to His
will for us, He will not only grant us peace (rest), but the next phrase
becomes reality for us: “I in my Savior am happy and blessed…”
Believe you me; I know VERY well
that it’s not easy to surrender the big things to God. It’s easy(er) to let Him
have control over the little things like: “Lord, let me be safe today;” or “Lord,
give me good sleep tonight;” but when it comes to situations like what college to
choose, or our struggles passing an important class, we often withhold those
things from Him while we attempt to juggle the “solution” ourselves. There are
moments when I become restless with the thought that my future is not set in
stone; that I’m really not sure what the Lord has for me. So what do I do? I
rip the control away from God and put it back into my own hands. It is super
easy to fall back into the thought process of figuring it all out myself. I
begin to make plans and have big ideas. I’ll go researching different avenues
and stressing out over career paths. All of this is not only bad for my
physical being, but it’s more grossly bad for my spiritual being. What does withholding control from God say
about my trust in Him? Scripture says:
your works to the Lord [submit and trust them to Him],And your plans will succeed [if you respond to His will and guidance].”
[Proverbs 16:3 AMP]
Give it a try today. Those
situations and circumstances that you’re withholding from God, give them to
Him. Submit your will to His; like Jesus did. Experience the rest, peace,
happiness and blessings that He has waiting for you.
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Veterans' Day Tribute
High on a pole, flying in the breeze;All across the country, Even overseas.The symbol of our nation waves strong and proud.Freedom’s silent message is ringing clear and loud.America the beautiful, My country ‘tis of thee.A simple colored flag says “I’m proud to be free!”The Diverseness of our nation has been tested time and time;But the strength of our Country raises no doubt in my mind.We're all under the same flag.Waving in the front yard of a white picket fence;A minivan and yellow lab, sparing no expense.A foreigner’s dream, now a citizen’s life.Heading to the game with his daughter, son and wife.One road over, one more man, Just trying to get by.Times are tough and jobs are scarce but he’ll never cease to try.With a head to think and a will to work he pulls on his other boot.He then pins on that medal and gives those stripes a salute.We're all under the same flag.Working in the field, harvesting the hay;The farmer wipes his brow and signals it a day.With a wife at home to greet him and a son to call tonight,There’s promise of some biscuits and trust that all is right.Living cities away, running fingers through his hair,Looking over plans, fighting off despair,He’s going toward his dream, although afraid to speak too loud,He picks up the picture and says “Dad, I’ll make you proud.”We're all under the same flag.Living in a duplex, way down in the south,She combs her hair and scrutinizes the features ‘round her mouth.Her skin’s darker hue would at one point cause dismay,She’s just thankful for a time where all have equal say.One door down, her neighbor girl, was applying makeup too.It was voting day and she was ready to go shell out her view.With progress made in recent years, she could live out her goal.In a quick glance out the window she nodded toward the pole.We're all under the same flag.Answering the phone, he finally had a break.He’d lost count of the hours that he’d had to stay awake.7 months into deployment, with no limit to near-harm;He treasured talking with his parents, hearing of the farm.A few cots down, another man would not give in to rest.He’d climbed up in the ranks just by giving it his best.Not a native to this country, but now he fought her cause.At the soonest chance he’d joined her fight without the slightest pause.We're all under the same flag.Our Nation's Capitol, peak of fall, she wheels over to the stand.She picks up the well-loved picture as best with her good hand.She smiles with the memory of his returning home that May.With uniform and duffel he was finally home to stay.In Arlington, that very day, a mother, too, recalled.She stood over her baby's grave and with silent tears she bawled.She rubbed her baby's final bed, only wishing he'd have stayed.As she turned away she'd wrinkled where the flag on top was laid.We're all under the same flag.You see, my friends, it doesn't matter what stage of life you're in.It doesn't matter what you look like or what you're past has been.
This Nation is "One Under God". We all are like that way.But it's not about that Nation when we commemorate today.It's about the people, young and old whom have given up so much.Whom have sacrificed their lives just to keep this land untouched.It's about the stories. About the lives. About the pain and fears.It's about the joy and victory. About the unshed tears.
It's about the heroes, big and small, that have fought the biggest fight.The ones who gave it all so you could sleep in peace tonight.
It's about the men. It's about the women. Those that gave and give some more.
The veterans. The ones on guard. Those currently on tour.
So black and white and red and tan; guys and girls the same.
In your prayers this very night, lift up a hero's name.
So, Put aside your feeble fights. There's nothing worth a brag.
Remember: we're all made by God and all under the same flag.
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
What Am I Waiting For?
Okay, so I don’t know about you,
but I am pretty impatient. I despise waiting! Even in this ready-made, prepackaged,
microwave society there is still a lot that we all have to just grin-and-bear,
am I right?! I mean, the earlier it is in the morning, the longer I feel that
it takes for that hot water to heat! [Side note: I’m a hot tea drinker, forget
that coffee stuff. J] Seriously though, we
wait for the weather app to load, because who gets dressed before they find out
what they weather will be for the day? We
wait for a response to our questions. We wait for the day to be over so that we
can go to bed; and then when we’re in bed we are basically just waiting for
morning to come so we can start the next day! We wait at stop signs and red
lights and sometimes even green lights! Our whole world goes 100mph and every
little slow(er) zone gives us a good case of life-rage. (See what I did there?)
So if almost everything in life
forces us to wait, and I, personally, am so terrible at the whole idea, WHY IN
about the Lord, and the closer our relationship gets, the more I believe that
patience and the ability to actively
wait are VERY important traits to not only master for ourselves as individuals,
but also teach and encourage in those around us.
What do I mean by all of this?
Well, have you ever heard the parable of the 10 Virgins? Jesus told it to the
crowd following Him during one of the last messages He would ever speak. (You
can find the whole account in Matthew
25. ) To quickly summarize, there were 10 young women waiting for the
return of the Bridegroom. Upon his return, they were to celebrate He and His
bride’s wedding with feasting and merriment. No one knew when He was coming, so
these women were in anxious anticipation. As the day(s) went on 5 of the women
began to prepare extra oil for their lamps while the others only mocked their
forethought and, eventually, fell asleep. When the Bridegroom arrived late one
night, the 5 that were prepared were able to go directly to the celebration,
while the rest had to (first wipe the sleep out of their eyes and) go and
purchase enough supplies to survive the party. Being that they arrived to the
feast late, the door was locked and they banged for entrance. The Bridegroom
answered the door and sent them away saying that He had no relationship with
such foolish women.
So what? Ladies and Gents, guys and
girls, WE ARE THE ONES WAITING! ‘Look! The bridegroom [is coming]! Go out to meet HIM.’ (Matthew 25:6 AMP) Jesus
is coming. You know that. I don’t have to tell you that. I’m only encouraging
you on what to do with that information. Yes. We know not the day or hour. It’s
true that we can’t always be looking to the skies. You know what else is true? The
Lord has jobs for each of us to do while we wait. As ‘a Heart in waiting’ I
only want to help you understand what some of those are.
Something else; this heart is in waiting for her literal
bridegroom. Maybe you’ve already found the man or woman that the Lord has for
you, but I’m not there yet. Many of us aren’t. I want to help you realize and
bring to fruition the fact that there is a lot that we, as unmarried young
people, can be doing in preparation for the blessing of marriage. This goes for
both young men and young women. I won’t single either gender out on here; it’s
a free-to-browse-internet. Just know that some of the content on here may be slightly angled toward the ladies,
simply because it’s coming from my brain and I am, well, a lady… ANYWAY, there
are countless physical, emotional AND spiritual things we can be doing before
we are ‘marriage material’ for anyone. Together I hope we can begin to lay out
some of those points and apply them to our own circumstances.
Ultimately, the main reason I’m doing all of this is because
I felt the Lord’s leading in doing so. I don’t want to get up to glory and hear “‘I assure you and most
solemnly say to you, I do not know you [we have no relationship].’” (Matthew 25:12) So, as for this ‘Heart in waiting’, I
purpose to ready my lamps. The only question is: WILL YOU JOIN ME?
About Me
So, confession time: I’m not very good at talking about
myself; but, for your sake, let’s give it a go.
I’m Elecia Hoffman.
(pronounced “ee lee sha” if that helps at all) For starters, I want you to know
that I am a proud daughter of the One True King and that I claim the victorious
blood and saving grace of Jesus Christ. I am the oldest of 12, with 5 living siblings
and 6 awaiting me in heaven. At 18 years old I am a home-school graduate and am
currently looking toward a Nursing Assistant Certification (CNA).
I live right in the middle of apple country Pennsylvania and,
when I’m not in “big-sister” mode, you might find me horseback riding through
the orchards. I am fascinated with the art of home-making, make a pretty mean
apple pie, create homemade greeting cards as a mini business, and LOVE to pour
myself into writing. Oh, and did I mention chocolate in there anywhere? Chocolate
fixes (almost) everything…
But enough of that; I’m sure that you’d rather know why I am
writing this. Fair question. In all of
my almost 19 years I’ve experienced a lot. The Lord has put a burden on my heart, a desire in my heart, to encourage and inspire
this generation of young people; my peers; You!
Okay. Please don’t think me weird or anything! I just have
this strange urge to act like a four year old again and pronounce you my new
best friend. I don’t know anything about you, you know just a little about me,
but hey, it worked when we were kids, right?
So go ahead over and read my other posts; Oh, And don’t
forget to subscribe to get all of my latest ones! Go on… what are YOU waiting for?
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